Environmental monitoring software


Streamline-ENV© - QA/QC Utility

Despite the best efforts to maintain instruments and collect quality data inevitably we are presented with data containing outliers and erroneous measurements. Even when no visible fouling is evident to the naked eye on the measurement surface of a probe (as in the figure to the right), the resulting data set can appear like that shown in the figure below. No matter the cause, the effort to produce quality assured data can consume countless hours of editing and tax your resources. Streamline-ENV's QA/QC utility is very easy and its interactive diagnostic display allows you to view your changes instantly. Click here to see how the data series shown in the figure below can be processed in under a few minutes.
  • The QA/QC utility provides an interactive diagnostic interface that displays two charts, stacked on upon the other, with the top containing the raw data series and the bottom the processed data series.
  • QA/QC Processing functions are contained in the left hand pane of the display and are enabled by simply clicking a check box.
  • Each parameter included in a source data file may be processed individually. Note: Temporal data limits can be set for the entire data file directly from the chart display or data listing in Analyst's main window.
  • A table appearing below each chart displays the statistics and number of valid samples for its respective data series.
  • Exclude outliers and invalid data by numerical value, maxima and minima, logical conditions or time period.
  • Flag data using Standard Deviation and BoxPlot outlier flagging methods. Both are graphically illustrated on QA charts.
  • A data series may also be adjusted by removing the mean or the minimum value, adding a custom offset or by subsampling.
  • The QA/QC utility does not overwrite your original data file and any changes can be undone.
  • Data flagged and saved following QA/QC processing is not shown in charts. Cells containing invalid data will appear blank in the data spreadsheet in Analyst.
  • Flagged data is not exported by the Export Wizard.
  • Invalid data is automatically filtered prior to calculating statistics so that statistical summaries produced by Streamline-ENV are entirely accurate.

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